Help us prepare June 21st, garden party!

Mardi, 06/20/2006 - 16:00
Mardi, 06/20/2006 - 19:00

To prepare June 21st, garden party

Help us prepare the Garden Party by participating in the preparation of the food and the setting-up of the tents, tables, lanterns….

1. Participate in a kitchen shift on Tuesday, June 20 from 4pm – 7pm to prepare the finger food and the cakes in the Roulant’s kitchen (4050 St. Urbain).

2. Join us on Wednesday, June 21 at 3pm on the roof to give us a hand with the final preparations for the party!

Call Amélie to confirm your participation : 286-5115.

Santropol Roulant (4050 St. Urbain) and on the roof (4750 Henri-Julien)

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Posté par amelie le Jeu, 15/06/2006 - 10:16am.