Can we save community gardens from developers? Est-qu'on peut sauvegarder nos jardins communautaires?

Unfortunately, our friends in LA have lost another round in the fight to save their fourteen acre farm. They will continue with an appeal, but as time goes on the farm becomes more and more likely to be lost to developers forever.

Just last week here in Montreal, City officials released a report that stated that the Baldwin Park community garden was contaminated with Lead, Zinc, Arsenic and Cadmium. While no specifics were given, the city is claiming that the garden may have to be closed down due to these heavy metals.

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Posté par alexjhill le Lun, 07/08/2006 - 8:11am.

The Mother of all Start-up kits! - La mère de toutes les trousses

After the World Urban Forum in June, I spent a few days on Vancouver island visiting my mother, an avid lifetime gardener who recently moved into a new apartment and for the first time does not have her own backyard.

She has always been an inspiration for my urban gardening projects. It was her who started me tending to a few carnations as a small boy, and I still remember the wonder I felt watching the tiny seeds sprout, then blossom into colourful flowers. Later, as a teenager, she put me to work tilling a significant portion of our yard to grow all kinds of vegetables (which I was even starting to enjoy eating!)

Posted to: Nos histoires / Our stories | Health and Quality of Life Improvement
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Posté par alexjhill le Lun, 07/08/2006 - 7:54am.

Les jardins du troisième âge

Nous croyons fermement aux vertus du jardinage pour tous mais surtout pour les citoyens du troisième âge qui se retrouvent en institution ou dans des édifices spécialisés. Cette année nous avons exploré le potentiel des jardins sur les toits pour les personnes âgées à trois endroits: dans les habitations abordables Les Boulevards à Montréal Nord, dans un HLM à Outremont et chez un client du Santropol Roulant.

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Posté par ismael le Mar, 01/08/2006 - 4:53pm.

Le lombricompostage à la maisoon

Environ le tiers des déchets résidentiels sont compostables. Dans un site d'efouissement, ces matières putrescibles se décomposent sous anaérobie produisant des gases à effet de serre et des liquides toxiques capables de contaminés nos nappes d'eau souterraine. Bien que la gestion centralisée des matières pustrescibles demeure la solution la plus efficace pour les grandes ville (voir Toronto), vaut mieux prendre l'avance sur nos élus et commencer le compostage chez-soi dès maintenant!

Posted to: Rooftop Gardening Resources | Ressources pour le jardinage
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Posté par benji le Sam, 29/07/2006 - 2:35pm.

Chroniques de jardinage urbain à Québec

Notre partenaire de Québec, la coopérative d'habitation les Pénates, vous présente leur expérience de jardinage urbain.

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Posté par ismael le Ven, 28/07/2006 - 3:43pm.

Gardening is activism | Jardinage c'est de l'activisme

During WWI and WWII, individual citizens in North America were included in the war effort by growing food at their own homes. Gardening today, especially at this time of wars in the Middle East, is a way for us North Americans to do our part. Although we haven't yet been called on by the government to garden on a large scale, individuals and communities are choosing to garden as a way to be peaceful. We can prepare for a future world with no more oil (and hopefully no more oil wars) by gardening at our own homes and community centers.

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Posté par rotem le Ven, 28/07/2006 - 1:06pm.

Cost of food grows to 18m tons of carbon dioxide

Even a tiny country like England uses a great deal of energy to get food to its people. Just like in Canada, this is due to the importing of food from all around the world. Perhap we should change the mantra of the environmental movement to "Think Globally, Eat Locally."

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Posté par alexjhill le Mer, 26/07/2006 - 8:33am.

BBQ sur le toit!

Jeudi, 08/03/2006 - 17:00
Vendredi, 08/03/2006 - 21:30

Tout le monde est invité au BBQ le 3 août de 17h à 21h30. Ça sera la
fête de l'année sur le toit! Venez danser, manger et célébrer avec
nous durant ce bénéfice pour le Santropol Roulant.

Sur le toit: 4750 Avenue Henri-Julien, coin Villeneuve.

Aussi, nous avons besoin de beaucoup d'aide pour assurer le
succès de cet événement! Vous pouvez nous aider aux BBQs, au bar, dans la cuisine, avec la sécurité ou la vente des billets. Venez vous inscrire au Santropol Roulant ou encore sur le toit!

**Nous sommes toujours à la recherche des BBQs! Si vous avez un BBQ disponible, vous pouvez communiquer avec Megan au 514.982.6606, poste 2243.

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Posté par rotem le Ven, 21/07/2006 - 11:26am.

Jardinage au college? Sur un toit? C'est quoi cette classe?!?

par Mark McGuire (en anglais seulement)
juillet 2006

In our summer Continuing Education course in Dawson College's Humanities department we've been exploring global warming and climate change, threats to our food security and biodiversity posed by industrial agriculture, and the looming peak in the global oil supply. We ask, "How does our participation in modern consumer culture implicate us in the rapid devastation of our human community and natural environment? What are our responsibilities as human beings and global citizens to respond collectively with imagination to these huge, complicated problems? What obstacles prevent us from getting good information and developing creative strategies for resistance?" By taking seriously and actually lending a hand to the ongoing efforts of local community organizations (Santropol Roulant and Alternatives, to name but two) to find meaningful and sustainable solutions to these problems, students have discovered that, as our course title suggests, "Another World is Possible," so long as we abandon despair and commit to activist-engagement with our local communities.

Posted to: Nos histoires / Our stories | Community Involvement
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Posté par rotem le Jeu, 20/07/2006 - 1:12pm.

<Boissons Vertes> Montreal evennement sur le toit

Mardi, 07/25/2006 - 17:00
Mercredi, 07/25/2006 - 20:00

Tout le monde sont invitees sur le toit pour cet evennement. Voir l'annonce

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Posté par rotem le Jeu, 20/07/2006 - 11:17am.