

Des jardins sur les toits est un projet d' Alternatives, un réseau d'action et de communication pour le développement international.

Garden Image

End of Seaon, Thank-you

A big hello to the Rooftop Garden community!

As of Saturday, October 15, our demonstration garden at the TélUQ building
has been put to rest for the winter. Thanks to everyone who came out for
the final push on Saturday!

We’d also like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has donated even an hour of time helping out at the rooftop garden this summer. We
wouldn’t and couldn’t do it without you!

All of the feedback we get from
volunteers - your observations, reflections and suggestions - are at the
core of shaping this project. In collaboration with our entire community,
we are now evaluating the 2005 season and planning for next year, with a
shared vision of a healthier, greener and more vibrant city!

Over the winter, the rooftop garden lives on with JETS activities (check
the website for our upcoming discussion on climate change), Alternatives
overseas learning exchanges, the Santropol Roulant composting project, our experimental indoor garden, and potential winter workshops. Also, feel free to inquire about volunteering at Santropol Roulant – preparing or delivering meals, getting involved in events (our winter gala is coming up and we may call on you!!!)… and yes, that’s right, volunteer parties continue even when it’s cold outside!

Thanks again for another great adventure on the roof. You rock!

Alex, Benjamin, Ismael, Jane, Emily and Rotem.